What once used to be either science fiction or highly limited software now develops extremely quickly and becomes less and less fiction. Luckily, the early AI was not impressive to begin with. Initially, AI could only perform highly limited and very simple tasks. Hard-coded rules and decision trees were used in the very first AI programs. It was an important first step, yet the program could not learn and would not adapt. Addition of the machine learning allowed and required the AI to modify itself and adjust the rules of work based on experience and data. It was a vital second step. (AI Evolution) Modern natural language processing relies heavily on something very similar to machine learning.

The rapid AI Evolution is a recent trend in the development of AI

The main reason is that scientists and developers focus on a more flexible and powerful AI, the one capable of performing such complex assignments as image recognition, natural language processing, and strategic game playing. However, the concept of deep learning has appeared quite recently and is already fundamentally reshaping the AI itself. This tool was inspired by the structure of an average human brain or, at least, those disposable units that it consists of. Deep neural networks are very beneficial, for they can ingest utterly enormous amounts of data and learn extremely complicated functions and patterns. It allowed AI to make significant progress in computer vision, speech recognition, and understanding and generation of language.

AI Evolution

Artificial general intelligence or AGI is the most recent frontier

These systems have human-level flexibility and general reasoning capacities. While we are yet to achieve this amazing level of AI, the advancements in technologies, such as large language models, multimodal learning, and meta-learning, suggest that AGI systems will become a part of our reality soon.

The rapid exponential evolution of AI results in its integration into every aspect of people’s lives and major technological developments in various industries. From self-driving cars and medical diagnosis to scientific research and innovations, the impact of artificial intelligence is beyond any expectations. While the advanced capabilities of this technology raise ethical and moral concerns, the future of AI is certainly incredibly fascinating.

What new revolutions powered by artificial intelligence will we be able to observe? The answer might be astonishing.

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